Following her acclaimed debut as Adriana Lecouvreur at the Metropolitan Opera, Jennifer Rowley returns to her alma mater, Baldwin Wallace Conservatory, to present a concert of bel canto scenes and songs on February 15 at 7 pm in Gamble Auditorium. Ms. Rowley is the 2018-2019 guest Artist-in-Residence for the vocal performance program, offering master classes with BW voice performance students, providing individual lessons and coachings, and leading classes about the career of the classical singer.
In addition to the recital, Jennifer will offer a public master class on Saturday, February 16 during BW Audition Day for prospective Conservatory students alongside current Conservatory students. “I’m very excited to begin the second portion of this 2018/2019 residency at my alma mater and to continue working with the talented young singers at BW!” said Jennifer. Learn more about Jennifer Rowley’s Residency via the BW website.
On February 23, Ms. Rowley will travel to Salisbury, North Carolina, for a concert in Catawba College’s Hedrick Theatre, benefitting the Salisbury Symphony Orchestra and its education and outreach initiatives. The concert, titled “Journey to Love”, will be accompanied by pianist Matthew Michael Brown. For more information and tickets, visit